Connected Innovation Webinar, 2nd edition
Quality management and ethics, Economical aspects of Healthcare
7th of July 2021-18:00pm-19:00pm
6.00PM - 6.10PM: Introduction​
6.10PM - 6.30PM: Performance of National Health Systems - The vision of the European Commission / Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
Mr. Dirk van der Steen, Deputy Head of the Performance of National Health System Unit for the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety at European Commission
​« Hospitals play a key role in national health systems in view of the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of health systems. Hospital reform is on the agenda of many EU Member States. It features in relevant EU-level processes such as the “European Semester”, most recently in the investment and reform plans presented by Member States under the “Recovery and Resilience Facility” with a specific view to the impact COVID-19 has on health systems. Key policy questions address the transformation of health systems to integrate care across the entire “care continuum” (from primary prevention, primary care to secondary and tertiary care, as well the “interface” with long-term care). Important enablers for this reform include eHealth tools and the design of sound healthcare provider funding schemes. Relevant developments at EU level aim to boost the resilience of health systems, including through work on health data.»â€‹
6.30PM - 6.50PM: Quality management and ethics
Mr. Holger Höhmann, CEO of the LVR-Klinik Langenfeld
« The presentation will provide a definition of quality management and ethics in health care and how these two are connected. The speaker will try to answer the question on why quality management and ethics are two very important topics in health care and what can be done to improve the patient experience?»
6.50PM - 7.10PM: How can we ensure that our fundamental values are taken into account and sustained? The search for a public-private balance
Dr. Michel Nathan, Member of the Executive Committee of EAHM, former CEO of the Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch (CHEM) in Esch/Alzette (GD Luxembourg)
Chair Person
Mr. Attila Molnar, President of the Hungarian Association of Health Economic Managers (EGVE), Member of the Executive Committee of European Association of Hospital Managers.